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Visualisation The Emerald Alignment is a short simple visualisation that can significantly help to improve general health and well being. If done regularly each day, it will help you to feel more happiness, more peaceful, and more relaxed. It will also help to keep your mind clear and concentrate your attention when you need to stay focussed. You will feel stronger - regardless of what's going on around you, as you control and manage your emotions more effectively. Also, the challenges that happen in life every day will not seem quite so intimidating, and the experiences you have with these challenges will gradually begin to serve you as you learn from their lessons, rather than rule your life in a disturbing way.

The Emerald Alignment will help you to change the way you think and subsequently, the way you react to situations and you will then begin to feel calmer and more peaceful each day. This in turn will have a positive healing effect on your body and mind as you live each day feeling stronger and more balanced, immune to the hassles and stresses that previously might have upset you. Once practised for a few days, the Emerald Alignment should take no more than a couple of minutes to complete. I have seen many many people benefit from using this simple visualisation. They have experienced improvements in a wide range of conditions and difficulties, including stress, anxiety, fatigue, and lack of confidence. Harmony has been restored to troubled relationships. Nerves have been settled before tests and exams. Phobias and addictions have been more effectively dealt with. Disharmony within the work environment has been resolved. All these disorders and situations have improved for those who have made a commitment to change by practising the Emerald Alignment

Visualisation To help demonstrate the importance of change, listen to the words of the great scientist Albert Einstein. Referring to insanity with a tongue in cheek definition, he said that,"Insanity is doing the same things today as you did yesterday expecting to get different results."

As well as bringing a smile to the face, this statement reminds us that some kind of change is absolutely necessary if you're dissatisfied with any aspects of your life. If you would like to experience different results, you must make changes. Simple? It sounds simple. But first you must ask yourself - do you really want change? Change will more than likely require discipline and sometimes hard work as well, as long term unproductive habits can be difficult to break. The Emerald Alignment will help to keep you strong and focussed as you confront the challenges presented by changes, as you move forward on your quest for better health.

For example, are you out of shape or unfit, and wanting to be in better physical condition. Could you welcome change and embrace the new discipline of regular exercise, or improve the quality of your diet? If you have emotional problems, and would genuinely like to feel more balanced and happy, could you welcome a change in your routine that might involve taking professional advice, or beginning some form of activity like meditation or yoga, that can help people with such difficulties? If your relationships with other people are not quite as good as they might be, perhaps a simple change in your attitude might help? If you don't enjoy your working life, a courageous change of outlook might be required, where you might have to choose happiness and contentment over security. If your finances are in the red, you might need to make some lifestyle changes, until your bank balance improves.

Visualisation If today, at this very moment, you have negative feelings about anything at all in your life, including the examples just mentioned, you might feel more motivated to make a change if you just stop for a moment, and be aware that this specific negative feeling you have, right now, is affecting the cells and chemical nature of your body in a specific negative way. As a result, you may have a common symptom such as tiredness or a headache. Negative feelings, especially when long term or prolonged, will eventually cause physical illness. Recent medical research concluded that the majority of visits to the doctor are for treatment of illnesses where the root cause is emotionally based..caused by prolonged negative feelings and stress. Positive situations however, cause the body to produce friendly chemicals such as adrenaline and endorphins which help us feel happy and stay healthy. Physical exercise and laughter also have the same positive effect.

If you think it's the world out there that produces your negative feelings, think again. It's not your circumstances that create your feelings.. something else happens in-between..and that is..your THOUGHTS and REACTIONS. Everything we say and do begins with a thought, and as our thoughts are the only thing in life we have complete control over, we can change them if we choose to. The founder of Buddhism said "with our thoughts we make the world". A great Roman Emperor also said "our life is what our thoughts make it".

Visualisation For example, you're stuck in a traffic jam - do you react with feelings of impatience and frustration at your delay, or take advantage of this opportunity to perhaps listen to some of your favourite music, or safely and carefully call a friend you've not spoken to for a while. It's the same traffic jam, but the reactions and feelings are totally different. Remember - only you can choose the thoughts that produce your feelings. The Emerald Alignment will help you to think more positive thoughts, and so you will react and communicate in new positive ways, which will soon become second nature.

The simplicity of the Emerald Alignment disguises its power. The only requirement and central to the practise is a belief in the existence of a higher intelligence or spiritual energy. Some may refer to such things as the untapped power within their great subconscious mind, or higher self. Others may see this power as the universal intelligence, or their God, the creator, light, cosmic energy, angels, or their spiritual guide. Many may be connected to a specific advanced being. Some might call on the energies of the sun, moon, or Mother Earth. In the Emerald A lignment exercise that follows later I will refer to and call on the power of Light.

When aligning, we are consciously asking for help to balance our different aspects, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. We each have an energy field, an electromagnetic field that surrounds the body, often referred to as the aura. This is as much a part of us as our physical skin and bones, and is now acknowledged in the world of science by the impressively named super quantum interface device magnetometer - a device that can measure the electromagnetic field surrounding the human being.

The management and balance of our energy field is the secret of well being. When our thoughts are negative our energy is imbalanced and so we experience negative effects and feelings. These might include physical disease, emotional instability, or mental turmoil and conflict. In the alignment practise, we seek to clear accumulating negativity from our body and energy field, to bring greater strength and balance, and then to seal and protect ourselves from negative influences. This in turn will affect our ability to meet life's challenges with better, more positive thoughts reactions and feelings. Alignment will increase our energy levels, by acting to draw more positive vital energy into the bodies systems. It will also help us to maintain these high levels of positive energy - helping us to feel good for longer periods.

Visualisation The technique has three phases, cleansing, strengthening, and then protecting, which are achieved through simple visualisation and positive intent. It can be learned very quickly, and can be practically applied then to improve your thoughts reactions and feelings to all aspects of your life. Alignment can be practised at any time, and anywhere. Initially however, a small amount of time and effort is necessary to become familiar with the process. There after practise and repetition reinforce and strengthen the exercise, until it becomes the automatic positive response to the everyday challenges of life.

Alignment practise can be compared to the performer on the old variety shows, spinning plates on sticks. To begin, the plates need to be carefully and gradually brought up to speed. Once spinning rapidly and stable, they only need a quick refresher to keep them going. However, if left without attention, the plates will slow, and may eventually fall, when it will be necessary to begin again the gradual process of building speed and stability.

Although once mastered, the alignment can be achieved in moments, initially, as you begin to familiarise yourself with the exercise, it will be more effective if you spend a little time working slowly through the various stages, so becoming more confident and comfortable with the practise. Eventually you will quickly bring yourself to balance, and deliver more positive thoughts reactions and responses to whatever you encounter. All aspects of your life will benefit from increased flow of positive energy, greater strength and balance, and the intent to connect, in respect, to a higher, more advanced intelligence. Now let's do the exercise..THE EMERALD ALIGNMENT!

The Emerald Alignment can be done sitting, standing, or lying down. Initially it is suggested that you sit down in an upright chair with your spine relaxed, but straight.

So let's begin: Close your eyes, make sure your feet are firmly on the floor about 12 inches apart, with your spine straight, and shoulders relaxed, with your hands on your knees or thighs. Breathe deeply, and with respect and humility, ask the Light for help.

Then focus your attention to the crown of your head. Imagine you are breathing the colour blue in through the crown, and fill your head and mind with the clear blue of a summer sky. If you find it difficult to see colours within your mind, just focus to the feelings that the colours will invite. Feel the colour blue bringing calm and peace to your head and mind. Draw the blue into the neck and shoulders, and allow any tension to release. Draw the blue down to your arms hands and fingers. Allow any tension to release through the fingertips. Now draw the blue down through the body, through the chest, stomach, and into the hips. Feel the body becoming lighter and calmer, as you breathe and draw the blue down the legs, down to the knees, to the ankles, and to the feet. Breathe and draw the blue through the souls of your feet, and allow all tension, all unwanted thoughts, all remaining negative energy, to be released to the earth. Feel the peace of the colour blue.

Visualisation Now becoming aware of the crown of the head once again, and this time, visualise the colour bright emerald green for physical rejuvenation, strength, and vitality. Draw a beam of bright emerald light, in through the crown, draw that light down the spine, filling the spine with emerald. Breathe the emerald light through the base of the spine, to a point between the heels, and deep into the earth. Breathing down that beam of emerald, feel your connection to the earth, feel yourself strong and straight, balanced and equal, either side of the beam of emerald green. Now take a beam of emerald from shoulder to shoulder, down your arms to your hands and your fingers, feel yourself balanced, aligned, and strong. Now at arms length around your body, see yourself sealed and protected in a bubble of blue light. Be aware of the weight of your body once again; ready to open your eyes in your own time feeling calm, refreshed, and strong. Finally, thank the Light on completion.

So just to summarise, if we integrate alignment practise into our everyday life, our general sense of well being will increase. We will be less swayed by negative influences, less prone to anger or impatience. We will react and respond in more positive and constructive ways, and the more often we align, the more effective we become - and feeling good will be the result. All we need to do is have the humility and respect to ask, and connect, and then we shall receive. This is what the Emerald Alignment facilitates, in a simple and straight forward way. Many thousands of people have benefited from using the emerald alignment. Please invest a small amount of time, and try the emerald alignment.

Persistence and repetition will deliver results that may well surprise you, as your new positive thoughts reactions and feelings begin to take effect within your life. Consider the highest achievers in athletics and sport.. practising their craft for hours and hours every day, week in week out for years and years - The Emerald Alignment takes just minutes! Try to align at regular intervals through out the day; every 2 to 3 hours would be good. Always stop and align when you begin to feel nervous, anxious, or become stressed. If you attach the alignment process to other daily rituals such as mealtimes and visiting the bathroom, it will quickly become a regular positive habit.

Visualisation I wish you well as you begin to walk your path of positive change using the Emerald Alignment. If you begin to falter or stumble, think of Einstein, be inspired, and remember - by do something you've never done, you might feel something you've never felt!

(Spoken by Helen Hope, who has used the emerald alignment to aid recovery from M.E., a debilitating chronic fatigue syndrome)